The ultimate checklist for moving from Miami to Malibu

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The ultimate checklist for moving from Miami to Malibu

The ultimate checklist for moving from Miami to Malibu

Have you ever wondered what moving would look like? Truth be told, many people said relocation changed their life for the better. You can find so many new opportunities, starting from new job opportunities to an entirely new lifestyle. Moreover, moving from Malibu to Miami can make your life blissful! In this article, you will find everything you need to know on how to prepare for this move to how Miami to Malibu differs. Additionally, if you need professional help with relocation, you can always call the best moving companies South Florida for an instant solution.

What do you need to know before moving from Miami to Malibu?

First and foremost, you need to prepare for a long relocation. We are talking about a cross-country move. Malibu is located in California and Miami is located in Florida. You will cross a whopping 2700 miles. That is one of the reasons why you should be firmly prepared when moving from Florida to California. Here are some things you should look for when relocating:

  • Find a suitable moving company
  • Make travel arrangements for you and your family
  • Pack your belongings
  • Prepare your new home in Malibu

To-do list before relocation

As we mentioned, finding a suitable moving company is your top priority before moving from Miami to Malibu. When you find a moving company that suits your interests, you can compare moving quotes and moving costs. Therefore, you can compare it to your moving budget and make suitable moving arrangements. Be mindful of getting moving insurance. Moving insurance will ensure the safety and security of you and your belongings during transportation. It’s also important to discuss moving estimates with your movers. For the best moving experience, contact our professional long distance moving companies in Miami. Don’t forget to make important travel arrangements for your family. Prepare the necessary documents for each member of your family, such as passports. Keep those documents near.

Packing and unloading your belongings

Packing is also a very crucial part before moving from Miami to Malibu. Before relocation, declutter your space. Divide what is important to bring with you and what is not. It’s always hard to goodbye to old things. However, you can always donate or sell them. Buy the necessary material for packing. Boxes, wrapping papers, and markers are a must. When you pack fragile items, make sure to get an extra pair of hands to help you. In the end, mark those boxes as “fragile” so the movers know to pay special attention when they load those items in the truck.

Finally, you will have all the space in the world when you move into your new house in Malibu! Let your imagination flow and decorate your new home however you want. When it comes to furniture, find the best space for each piece of furniture in your new home. It is advisable to make more room spacious and not to clutter them with too many pieces of furniture and decoration. Moreover, you can always seek help from someone who has already experienced moving.

Miami vs. Malibu – how do they differ?

As we said before, Miami and Malibu are separated by many miles. Of course, there are many differences in the cost of living, lifestyle, and many other things. Luckily, credible long distance movers South Florida know how to make this life-changing experience easy and exciting.

Differences between Miami and Malibu

Life in California is known for being a little bit high than the national average. However, that should not scare you. Malibu, let alone California, can give you so many new and exciting things. Housing in Malibu is high, but you can save on many different things. For example, grocery shopping in California is cheaper than in Florida. While utilities are considered, you will pay $101 on average in California and $126 in Florida.

Both California and Florida are known for having hot weather. The average temperature during summer in California can go up to 70 degrees. On the other hand, winters in California will leave you freezing. Florida is a lot more humid and has dry summers and mild winters. However, you will not miss rays of sunshine in California!

What to visit in Malibu?

If you are a fan of sand, beaches, and sunshine, you will fall in love with Malibu’s beaches! Carbon Beach will leave you speechless. You will be welcomed by a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean accompanied by hundreds of mansions near the beach. It comes as no surprise that Carbon Beach has the nickname Billionaire’s Beach.

If you want something different, you should check out Malibu Lagoon State Beach. What makes this beach special is that it’s not part of the Pacific Ocean but a part of the lagoon as its name says. You will find that Malibu Lagoon State Beach is home to a lot of different types of local birds. If your children love animals, this place will be great for them!

How do Miami and Malibu differ – the final overview

Finally, we have come to an end. We saw what you need to do before relocation. To be absolutely sure, we need to make a final overview of everything we mentioned so far. What you need to know before moving from Miami to Malibu is:

  • Finding a reliable moving company will ensure the security of the relocation
  • Decluttering your items will help you pack
  • Comparing moving quotes will ease your moving expenses
  • Living in Malibu will show you many new opportunities

Miami and Malibu have many similarities. Both cities are coastal and you will not miss sandy beaches and hot weather. However, you will experience fewer shopping expenses in the Golden State’s Malibu than in Florida. Lifestyles are also similar. Both Malibu and Miami welcome artists from all over the USA and will let your imagination flow. But, you will love California’s picturesque landscapes and sights. The decision is up to you! Whatever you plan to do, we wish you a happy and successful move!


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