7 tips for house moving day

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7 tips for house moving day

7 tips for house moving day

You have heard countless times how important moving preparations are. But, you will fully understand this when the moving day comes. We hope you have followed the preparation instructions. If so, all your items are packed and ready to load. What’s more, you’ll have peace of mind because you’ll know where all your items are. However, you will still need to take care of a few things. They will help your movers safely transport and load your belongings into the moving truck. So, here are 7 tips for house moving day, that will help your moving services in South Florida.

Prepare for moving day

There are many tips on how you can prepare for moving day. Nevertheless, here we will present the 7 most important ones:

  • wake up early and be ready for the movers’ arrival
  • make sure the driveway is clear of trash, snow, or ice
  • ensure the safety of the movers
  • remove items you are not carrying with you
  • be kind to your movers
  • check the hose before leaving
  • give a call to the cleaning service
Get a good night’s sleep before moving day.

Wake up early and be ready for the movers’ arrival

It is very important to get a good night’s sleep before moving day. This will give you the strength to endure the strains. Besides, if you are tired, you won’t be able to concentrate. And to help your movers properly.

Also, before the movers’ arrival, take your breakfast. After that, you can pack the remaining things. So, for packing bedding, pajamas, breakfast dishes, and other items, reserve one moving box. After packing, place this box in your car, next to your essential moving bag. You will definitely need things from it for the first night in your new home.

Make sure the driveway is clear of trash, snow, or ice

Before the arrival of the residential movers South Florida, make sure that the driveway is free. This will enable them to bring the truck as close to home as possible. And therefore, they won’t have to carry things too far.

If you are moving in the winter, clear the snow and ice from the driveway. Also, clean the paths around the house. Sprinkle salt everywhere to prevent the movers from slipping while carrying your belongings. This will prevent the movers from getting hurt. And also that your things fall out and break.

Ensure the safety of the movers

Moving teams are well coordinated. And, they know how to organize the work. They also know how to share tasks among team members. Therefore, any attempt to help could disturb them. However, there is something you can help them with. While carrying moving boxes and other things, movers cannot look at the floor. So it can happen that there is something on their way that they can slip on. It’s even better not to think about the consequences.

Therefore, you can be their eyes. Make sure that their moving route is clear at all times. In case you have kids, elders, and pets in the house, you should be additional cautious. So, during the moving day, it would be ideal if they are with relatives, or some friends. If that is not possible, they will have to stay in, or around the house.  Your task will be to make sure they don’t run in front of the movers. The consequences can be serious for everyone.

One of the tips for house moving day is to move aside the surplus items

You might still have some extra items in the house on a moving day. For example, furniture pieces that you have sold to the new owners. Or some items that the cleaning service will take care of. So, make sure that the moving companies Broward County won’t mistakenly bring them to your new home.

In case you keep those items and boxes together with other things, they can easily make mistakes and load them. And, you can avoid that in a very easy way. Design one empty room and move all those surplus things inside. So, you can either lock that room. Or, you can tell movers that those things are remaining.

Being kind to your movers helps

Theoretically, the moving day should be an easy event. Your movers will come, load your items, and transport them to your new place. Well, the reality is rather different. The moving day could be full of challenges. Luckily, good and experienced movers will know how to quickly overcome them.

When you are dealing with a reliable moving company, their moves will be polite and professional. So, being kind to them will help both sides. First, you will create a nice and positive atmosphere. That will eliminate unnecessary stress. And the whole job will be completed much faster.

Be a good host

We already saw that a good atmosphere is beneficial for you and for your movers. So, you might wonder how to create and maintain it. And how to be a good host. Well, it is rather simple:

  • communicate with your movers, but take care that you don’t distract them
  • keep calm if some moving problems arise – local movers South Florida will sort them
  • offer your movers some refreshments
  • while that work, make sure that always have liquid soap and disposable hand towels available

Check the hose before leaving

Once all the items are loaded, do a final walk-through of the house. Check all the rooms and make sure that nothing is forgotten. This is especially important when you move long-distance.

Give a call to the cleaning service

Before the move, you have probably arranged with a cleaning service to do after-move cleaning. If you do, it is now time to give them a call. Depending on the agreement, they already have spare keys. And, they will turn them to the new owners afterward. Or, you can wait until they arrive. That way, you can explain to them what is left for hauling away, and what items they have to leave for new owners.  Having this last task done, it is time for you to leave.

Tipping your movers is also one of the tips for house moving day

We have presented here the essential tips for house moving day. And, we are sure that they will help you to organize yourself better. Also, the tips will help you to make your move an easy and memorable experience. However, most people will also tip their movers. Although it is not mandatory, they want to thank movers for a well-done job. If you wish to do the same, make sure to have some cash on hand. The tips are usually $20 per helper. However, in case you are really impressed, you can increase tips, as per your wish. In either case, they will be appreciated.

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